Is Soy Bad For Us?

What is it about soy that makes it so controversial? Unfortunately the answer isn’t so black and white. Although many health claims have been made as well as negative health effects, scientific research is still lacking in this area and we must take into account other lifestyle factors as well. …

What Is Activated Charcoal?

Walking into Planet Organic one rainy Tuesday (pre lockdown) and I spotted a super interesting menu that perked my interest! Their ‘Activated Charcoal’ drinks list – where you can grab a Charcoal Latte, Charcoal Coffee, Charcoal Refresher, or a Charcoal Shot. Activated Charcoal started appearing on our shelves a few …

Eating For Better Sleep

There are a lot of factors to play when it comes to a good nights kip. A lot of people suffer from insomnia & lack of sleep, which can often manifest further into lack of energy, low mood, poor concentration….and the list goes on. Research has also shown that lack …

Beat The Christmas Bulge

Don’t get me wrong…I love Christmas as much as the next person. The endless eating, presents, movie marathons and the Christmas parties and drinks! However, I’m also aware of that gloomy feeling come January when you feel far from healthy and spry! It’s not surprising to know that the average …